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April 19, 2018 3 min read

We heart keeping it local! As a small business, we do our absolute best to keep everything we do Canadian whenever we can! The trickle-down effect of our business choices are at the forefront of our minds and we ask ourselves, ?Why the heck wouldn't we want to support all the amazingly talented Canadian creatives around us?!? Making mindful and meaningful choices about where we source our goods, Lace Brick Design is a proud supporter of shopping local and supporting local growing businesses! 

1. When it comes to our products, we want to make sure we are bringing you the highest possible quality goods as well as support our neighbours. Many of our manufacturers are spread across Canada and North America, making our plenty of our items proudly Canadian-sourced. If you haven't checked out our trucker hats yet, give them a look because they are all designed by our wonderful graphic team and printed in beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia. We don't stop there! Our apparel printer is a grassroots print shop located in Northern Alberta. When it comes to sourcing, we have researched the best possible options and chosen Canadian producers when we can!

2. We love to give credit to the virtual creatives and background workers of our team. These awesome humans keep our company running as smoothly as it does and we SO appreciate everything they do! We currently enlist the work of four Canadian freelancers. Our graphic designers live a truly authentic adventurous life in southern Alberta and match our brand ethics perfectly! All of our business cards and larger graphic needs are brought to life by Little Rock Printing in Calgary's very own Inglewood. We can't forget to tell you all about our fabulous website that is hosted by TWT, a local Calgary tech company who help us run a kick ass website every single day. And when we package up your online orders, we use Canada Post for all shipments that are delivered right to your very door!

3. We source and produce locally as much as we can and we also do our best to participate in the local community. Lace Brick Design is a popular name in the local scene of small shops and local markets. Calgary, Red Deer, Cochrane, Edmonton, Saskatoon, and Olds markets - you name it, we want to be there! We are a local brand for the local female; we want to know our community!

4. We employ local go-getters in the community for tasks anywhere from the production line all the way up to the point of sale. 100% thankful for our hardworking, enthusiastic and kind-as-heck local girls!

5. Lace Brick Design proudly supports many local fundraisers and gives back to the community, to foundations like Women in Need Society, TreeEra, the Humboldt Broncos? Go Fund Me and the Red Cross.

6. All 60+ of our retail partners are proudly Canadian! You can visit our website to see the map of Canada and all of the wonderful shops that carry our goods. Visit hereto find the shop nearest you!

We heart our local creative community! We are so proud of all the Canadian talent that surrounds us and we couldn't be happier to help support them! You can do the same, Ponytail Posse... Find local coffee shops in your area or the small brunch places with the best hash browns or those awesome independent clothing stores that sell apparel from small businesses like ours. We love that you are mindful of where your products are coming from and choose local whenever possible!
